Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Chamber of Secrets

Sorry for the break, but I've been busy. Now, I'm going to do The Chamber of Secrets, next in the Harry Potter series.

First, the synopsis. In this one, Harry is a second year and this year, strange things are happening. People are being attacked and rumors are flying, as well as a big business for "attack proof" magical items among the students. Also, completely changing subject, Ron's sister, Ginny has started at Hogwarts.

Now, my opinion. I think this one is the BEST Harry Potter book. I don't care what you think, this one is good and it does not get enough credit. I just love the storyline and everything. Ginny is great, and she is a major part in the end. (Spoilers!)

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up
Official Smart Girl Grade: A+

Sorry about not posting. That's all for now, Smart Girl.


  1. I actually agree I think it's one of the better books. One thing I think that is very important with this book is it makes the reader aware of the fact that as Harry gets older, the danger gets more real. I remember reading this book and being surprised and just how dangerous things were beginning to get at Hogwarts.

  2. I love this book and remember standing in line for it with my kids when it was first released. My daughter read non-stop for about two days, as did I. This book caused a few church officials to come out with condemning statements as it "glorified magic," if I remember correctly.

    I really liked the magic diary, the character of Moaning Myrtle, and how the author dealt with the "racial" conflict between Muggles and pure-blooded Magicians. I also love Fawkes and his role at the end of the book ;-)
