Friday, March 26, 2010

The Prisoner of Azkaban

Now, I'm doing The Prisoner of Azkaban, the third in the Harry Potter series.

First, the synopsis. In this one, the danger increases. Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban, the wizard prison, and Harry keeps seeing a strange sight, a huge black dog. Hermione gets a cat, and Ron gets upset about Crookshanks, the cat. Scabbers the rat keeps acting very oddly. He seems very nervous about something, but we can't seem to figure what he's upset about. Harry learns something new about his family.

Now, my opinion. I think this is the last of the "Happier Harry," because in #s 4-7, Harry seems just very angry. I like Sirius and I think Ms. Rowling comes up with a great way to create a mini-adventure within the main adventure.

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up
Official Smart Girl Grade: A

That's all for now, Smart Girl.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Chamber of Secrets

Sorry for the break, but I've been busy. Now, I'm going to do The Chamber of Secrets, next in the Harry Potter series.

First, the synopsis. In this one, Harry is a second year and this year, strange things are happening. People are being attacked and rumors are flying, as well as a big business for "attack proof" magical items among the students. Also, completely changing subject, Ron's sister, Ginny has started at Hogwarts.

Now, my opinion. I think this one is the BEST Harry Potter book. I don't care what you think, this one is good and it does not get enough credit. I just love the storyline and everything. Ginny is great, and she is a major part in the end. (Spoilers!)

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up
Official Smart Girl Grade: A+

Sorry about not posting. That's all for now, Smart Girl.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The New Series

Finally, the new series. And the new series is..... the Harry Potter series! We'll start off with The Sorcerer's Stone.

First, the synopsis. This one is about a boy who finds out he's a wizard. He goes to a wizard school called Hogwarts. In the wizard world, he finds out that he is famous. Everybody knows his name. He also finds out that his parents were killed, not by a car crash, but by an evil wizard named .... Voldemort. There, I said it, now don't make me say it again. "You-know-who" is back, and he wants to finish the Potter family........

Now, my opinion. I think this book is a VERY GOOD BOOK. If you have not even heard of Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling, your life is pathetic. I'm sorry, but it is very true. Ron is incredibly funny, and Hermione is such a know-it-all, but I wouldn't like her any other way.

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up
Official Smart Girl Grade: A+

Sorry to keep you wondering, that's all for now, Smart Girl.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Last Olympian

Hi, Smart Girl here, and today we are finally going to finish the Percy Jackson series and tomorrow we'll start an even longer series!

First, the synopsis. In this one, Percy and friends are stuck on guard duty for all of Manhattan. All the mortals are asleep, and Kronos's army is coming. Several people die, and will it all end happily? The half-bloods are faced with their toughest challenge yet. Will they survive? Well, if you want to be lazy, nice try, but you're going to have to read the book. Oh, the horror! How will you ever survive!

Now, my opinion. VERY GOOD BOOK! This one is very high on my list. If you haven't read this, put down this computer, (or get up if you're on a desktop) and, if necessary, go to the bookstore and buy it, and READ THIS BOOK! I like how everyone got a good role. Rachel, who I'm sorry I forgot to mention in the last post, gets a nice place, and I think it's obvious what happens with Percy and Annabeth. Even Luke gets a good ending. This is, without a question, the Luke book.

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up.
Official Smart Girl Grade: A+

That's all for now, Smart Girl.