Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Order of the Phoenix

Sorry for not updating, but now, here it is: The Order of the Phoenix.

First, the synopsis. In this one, Harry feels alone until he gets picked up by members of a group called "the Order of the Phoenix," an organization formed back in the days when "You-know-who" was powerful. He sees Sirius's house, Number 12, Grimmauld Place, to be exact. The danger is even more real, because nobody believes Harry or takes him seriously. In fact, one person's mum didn't want her boy to be at the same school as Harry. Also, Ron and Hermione both become prefects, and have a huge fight, and Ron gets a girlfriend, Lavender Brown.

Now, my opinion. I think that Harry peaks as "Angry Harry" because he just screams at Ron and Hermione, and he just is rash and temperamental, and that is one thing I don't like about Ms. Rowling, she makes Harry just so angry, so much, it just gets tiring. I know that he's getting older, and people change, but he changes so fast. I mean, in the first book, he's just curious, and he seems sort of like a little kid, but in this one, he is still rash but so much angrier, and I just don't like it.

Official Smart Girl Grade: A-
Best Read by Ages: 8 and up

That's all for now, Smart Girl.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Goblet of Fire

Now, Smart Girl's Guide to Books proudly presents, The Goblet of Fire.

First, the synopsis. In this one, we go to the Quidditch World Cup, where we find out that there are wizards in other countries, even America! We also learn that something is going to happen at Hogwarts. That something is the Triwizard cup, a competition between the three major wizarding schools in Europe. Harry's name is drawn, but there are two problems with that. First, there was an age line around the Goblet which made it impossible for Harry to get across, and second, there was already a champion from Hogwarts.

Now, my opinion. I think that this one is over credited. I know, I know, everybody says that this one is really good, and that it's the best one, but I just don't agree. I like the Chamber of Secrets better. This one is not as exciting as the Chamber of Secrets, because this one seems like each task is an adventure in itself, so there isn't as much leading up to the final battle.

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up
Official Smart Girl Grade: A-

That's all for now, Smart Girl.