Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Post of the Year!

Hi everybody, Smart Girl here. Well, as you know, this is New Year's Eve. I thought that it would be appropriate to do a top ten book list. So get ready for the Smart Girl Best Books of the Year!

10. The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan
9. The Prisoner of Azkaban, by J.K. Rowling
8. Taggerung, by Brian Jacques
7. Chasing Lincoln's Killer, by James L. Sawnson
6. Running Out of Time, by Margret Peterson Haddix
5. Redwall, by Brian Jacques
4. The Innocence of Father Brown, by G.K. Chesterton
3. The Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling
2. Mariel of Redwall, by Brian Jacques
And now the big one. Who will win? Who will take home the award? Now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
And the winner is... Into the Wild by Erin Hunter!

In case you hadn't figured it out, I made a list of the books I reviewed, not the ones that came out this year. Happy New Year! That's all for this year, Smart Girl.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Warriors: Fire and Ice

Hi everybody, Smart Girl here. As said in the last post, I am currently obsessed with the Warriors series. Let me explain something about Warriors. There are three series I know about, and so we don't have too much Warriors, (is there such as thing?) I will do each series separately. This book -- Fire and Ice -- is the second book in the first series. Is that clear? Now, on to the review!

First, the synopsis. Firepaw is now Fireheart, because as you go from apprentice to a warrior, your second name changes. Fireheart and Graystripe get apprentices; Fireheart gets Cinderpaw and Graystripe gets Brakenpaw, brother and sister. Cinderpaw falls into the river and Graystripe saves her, but needs to be saved himself. He is saved by a RiverClan cat named Silverstream. After that, Graystripe starts slipping away from camp. Fireheart meets his sister, Princess, a kittypet, and eventually she has a litter and gives her firstborn, Cloudkit, to Fireheart to raise in the Clan. Tigerclaw says that ShadowClan has been stealing prey and wants Bluestar to come see, but she is sick. Cinderpaw says that she'll go, but Fireheart forbids her. Later, when he goes to see, he finds Cinderpaw injured by the Thunderpath (what the cats call roads). Will Cinderpaw live? What happened with ShadowClan? Is Brokenstar still leader? Do you want to find out? READ THE BOOKS!!!!!!!

Now, my opinion. I like this book, but not as much as Into the Wild because of something that will be revealed in a later post. I think that what happens to Cinderpaw is sad. This book is full of cats doing things in secret. I like how Cloudkit was introduced, because he's a good character later in the series.

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up
Official Smart Girl Grade: A-

These are great books, and I recommend them to anyone who likes cats. Be warned, though. THESE ARE WILD CATS! This means that housecats, called kittypets, are thought of as wimps and Fireheart is never allowed to forget his non-Clan heritage. Also, there is violence, and later in the series, some cats get seriously injured. That's all for now, Smart Girl.