Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hi everybody, long time no see. Sorry for not posting, it's been a busy summer. Anyway, continuing the Redwall series, I'm doing Taggerung, pronounced the way it's spelled. Let's get going!

First, the synopsis. In this one, the main character is an otter who is being raised by vermin, (in this group there are; ferrets, stoats, rats, and a fox.) because they believe he is the Taggerung. (a super strong warrior who is better physically than all the other vermin.) He lives with them for fifteen seasons, but never kills anyone. The leader of the tribe is worried about this and decides to "cure" him. Instead, Tagg, (as he is known) runs away, with no destination in mind. He eventually gets to Redwall and finds out that he is a Redwaller and his mother and sister are still alive. Meanwhile, the vermin have sent a party to get the Taggerung. The party gets to Redwall and the otter, (now known as Denya, which was his real name all along) fends them off but gets mortally wounded. If you want to find out what happens, READ THE BOOK!

Now, my opinion. I really like this book, because it features otters, some of my favorite characters, and there are some quite funny parts. This is a great book, not the best for beginners, but then, Redwall is the only one that's perfect for beginners.

Best Read by Ages: 8 and up.
Official Smart Girl Grade: A

Just a note if you've read all of them, the next one is coming out next year. See you all soon! That's all, Smart Girl.